How to use "static" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "static" in popular movie and book plots

  • The first zanni incarnates the dynamic, comic element of the play, the second its static element.  - Pedrolino
  • When Number Six tries to reach a high point to listen to it, at first he gets only static and a muffled, seemingly foreign, language channel.  - Dance of the Dead (The Prisoner)
  • Rather, the Hundred Acre Wood existed as a grid of connected static screens.  - Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood
  • On July 27 as the hospital staff watch, the camera in Porter/prot's room cuts to static at the precise time prot said he would leave Earth.  - K-PAX (film)
  • As an example, the GE90-76B has a take-off static thrust of 76,000 lbf (360 kN) at SLS, ISA+15 °C.  - Jet engine performance
  • Finally the movie also "turns off", leaving behind a flashing screen of static before the credits roll.  - Cat Soup
  • The kids discover this is actually a fatal weakness and manage to kill the baby using static from their radio.  - Gamera vs. Jiger
  • The last scene shows Evolver's HUD screen reading out "KILL NOT CONFIRMED" before fading to static and blacking out.  - Evolver (film)
  • Picard places a binary message using iron filings in Data's static memory to leave instructions for his crew in the future.  - Time's Arrow (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Solon protests that he abandoned it because there was no way to stop the static electricity build-up, which risked severe pain and seizures.  - The Brain of Morbius
  • They try to listen to the results of Game Two of the 1942 World Series, but static unfortunately prevents them from hearing the final score.  - Guadalcanal Diary (film)
  • Wesley attempts to create a static warp bubble but the experiment appears to fail.  - Remember Me (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • After his funeral, Jonathan's voice can be heard on the radio through static interference saying "I'm sorry" to his son.  - White Noise (film)
  • Religious orthodoxy and the behavior of static societies are also themes.  - Uplift Universe
  • The two had been trying to invent a time machine using mirrors and static electricity, when the Daleks emerged from their time cabinet.  - The Evil of the Daleks
  • Telephones are dead and there is only static on the radio.  - The Quiet Earth

Meaning of "static" in English

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Meaning of "static" in Hindi

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