How to use "statute" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "statute" in popular movie and book plots

  • After the statute of limitations on the case expires, Moo-yeom becomes resigned to the belief that Gap-dong is dead.  - Gap-dong
  • Nadira is locked up as Drusilla has a plan to get the statute and Angel's team is on Archaeus' trail.  - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten
  • Five days before the case's statute of limitations expires, someone is found anonymously leaving a flower at the crime scene.  - Montage (2013 film)
  • Another wants to avoid attention from the police, as he has just five months left before his statute of limitations runs out.  - The Neighbor (2012 film)
  • Since there is no statute of limitations on murder, Taggart can still be prosecuted and face prison time.  - Broken City
  • The film begins in 2005, on the day the 15-year statute of limitations expired, thus rendering prosecution impossible.  - Confession of Murder
  • The scene cuts to the DA's office, where McCoy says "fortunately, the statute demands prison time".  - Mother's Day (Law & Order)
  • Blomkvist learns that the evidence against Wennerström that Vanger promised him is useless, long past its statute of limitations.  - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • In this case, the charge would have to be murder since the statute of limitations ran out on other possible charges.  - Word of Honor (novel)
  • After seven years, when the statute of limitations is up, he can reappear.  - Hook, Line & Sinker (1969 film)
  • A golden statute of a Greek goddess, perhaps Athena, towers above her.  - Out 1
  • With the statute of limitations now expired, they came to collect, and now that Quark has sent for the latinum, they no longer need him.  - Who Mourns for Morn?

Meaning of "statute" in English

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Meaning of "statute" in Hindi

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