How to use "stave" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stave" in popular movie and book plots

  • The party of Merlyn returns to Camulod without Donuil, who returns to Eire in order to stave off the events of one of Merlyn's dreams.  - The Saxon Shore
  • They wish to use this to synthesize acetovaxidol in order to stave off the withdrawal the "Anti-Cap" is facing.  - Captain America and the Falcon
  • The Fullers desperately seek funds to finish the renovations and stave off the foreclosure.  - George Washington Slept Here
  • Firebird continues her study of Netaian political simulations, hoping to stave off societal collapse of her dysfunctional homeworld.  - Fusion Fire
  • The former Star Gods and Alaunt manage to stave off the attack and get the wounded party to Star Finger.  - Pilgrim (Douglass novel)
  • Bungus stays behind to stave off the creature, while Maris travels on to the laboratory.  - The Curse of the Gloamglozer
  • Kramer manages to stave off their anger by introducing "the Bro" to them.  - The Doorman
  • But trying to stave off mrs Robinson, he rashly decides to tell Elaine everything that it wasn't just some woman with a husband and a son.  - The Graduate (novel)
  • When she is not working she must stave off assassins, crazed fans and a couple of office workers as well.  - Maico 2010
  • This lifeform was built out of the synthetic DNA strain, "Proto B", and was intended to stave off a galaxy-wide food crisis.  - Forbidden World
  • He desperately attempts to stave off a hostile takeover of his demolition company and fails.  - Where the Heart Is (1990 film)
  • The action opens upon the musical stave in which mr B Natural lives.  - Mr. B Natural
  • Finally they come face-to-face with the massive queen and stave off her magic and pincer attacks.  - Realms of Arkania: Shadows over Riva
  • In response, Belka set off seven nuclear weapons on its own cities in order to stave off the advancing enemy.  - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
  • It would appear that mr Adam is humanity's only hope to stave off extinction.  - Mr. Adam
  • During the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli Defense Force prepares to conduct a tactical nuclear strike to stave off defeat.  - The Sum of All Fears (novel)

Meaning of "stave" in English

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Meaning of "stave" in Hindi

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