How to use "stead" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stead" in popular movie and book plots

  • In her stead is a new triumvirate led by GA Senator Haydnat Treen, GA General Merratt Jaxton, and Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne.  - Conviction (Star Wars novel)
  • Loki seizes the throne in Odin's stead and offers Laufey the chance to kill Odin and retrieve the Casket.  - Thor (film)
  • In her stead Alexander gets a secretary/confidante named Hélène Previn.  - Counterstrike (1990 TV series)
  • Chewbacca saves Lumpawarrump, but Mallatobuck is taken in his stead and dragged away.  - A Forest Apart
  • She denies him, but in her stead she proposes he wed Lady Vainglory.  - Roman de Fauvel
  • However he declines to immediately return to Stormhold, leaving Lady Una to reign in his stead while he and Yvaine travel around Faerie.  - Stardust (novel)
  • Thor did not attend, but his wife Sif came in his stead as did Bragi and his wife Iðunn.  - Lokasenna

Meaning of "stead" in English

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Meaning of "stead" in Hindi

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