How to use "steam" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "steam" in popular movie and book plots

  • Fozzie goes through the steam baths and ends up back to normal.  - It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie
  • As the Martian passes a construction site, he spots a steam shovel at work.  - Martian Through Georgia
  • The tower is full of steam and she is forced to sit in a tub of boiling water.  - The Ill-Made Knight
  • After chugging them down, steam starts coming out of their ears as the credits roll.  - Scooby-Doo (film)
  • Steam City is a place where the only fuel source is coal, and the only means to produce energy is the steam engine.  - Steam Detectives
  • They believe the water can be harnessed as an ultimate power source for steam engines (the main industrial engine of the time).  - Steamboy
  • Spirit is loaded onto a train and taken to a work site on the Transcontinental Railroad, where he is put to work pulling a steam locomotive.  - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
  • They run off with Slim's accomplices and buyer in pursuit on a steam train.  - Home on the Range (2004 film)
  • He traces them to a boat landing where Small has hired a steam launch named the Aurora.  - The Sign of the Four
  • The Union Army, freed up by the war's quick end, lets off steam by accelerating theS.  - How Few Remain
  • Loveless attempts to shoot West with a concealed gun, but hits the spider's steam pipes, stopping it just before it plunges into the canyon.  - Wild Wild West
  • Matrix tracks them and faces Bennett in a fierce struggle until Matrix fatally impales Bennett with a steam pipe, killing him.  - Commando (1985 film)
  • The train stops, Maurice jumps out, and the two lovers embrace as steam from the train envelops them.  - Love Me Tonight
  • The O'Leary family are traveling to Chicago to start a new life when Patrick O'Leary tries to race a steam train in his wagon.  - In Old Chicago
  • In the beginning,g they leave their mid-Western hometown of Zenith, board a steam liner in New York and cross the Atlantic Ocean.  - Dodsworth (novel)
  • Marlow sounds the steam whistle repeatedly, frightening the attackers and causing the shower of arrows to cease.  - Heart of Darkness

Meaning of "steam" in English

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Meaning of "steam" in Hindi

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