How to use "steep" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "steep" in popular movie and book plots

  • Later, along steep mountain trails, Chingachgook, Uncas, and Hawkeye track and ambush Magua’s war party to free Alice.  - The Last of the Mohicans (1992 film)
  • The patrol heads through the village and up a winding path towards an isolated temple located on a hill, with only a steep cliff to its rear.  - A Hill in Korea
  • Jeff takes the group back to his home, an abandoned broom factory against a steep hill in the woods.  - Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
  • Carter ascends a steep ridge beyond which nothing is visible but sky.  - The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
  • In desperation, Pete makes a dangerously steep dive to skillfully douse the engine with slurry.  - Always (1989 film)
  • There's a steep cliff at the end.  - True Colors (1991 film)
  • At gunpoint, Gabe leads them to the first case, located at the top of a steep rock face.  - Cliffhanger (film)
  • They soon encounter the Saxons at an ice-covered lake bordered on each side by steep cliffs.  - King Arthur (2004 film)
  • Yoshitsune’s cavalry descends a steep slope at Hiyodori Pass decisively attacking the Taira from the rear.  - The Tale of the Heike
  • If the price is between $50,000 and $69,999 (between 781 and 1,093 enemies killed) he will say, "This is one steep bill.  - Star Fox 64
  • After lowering himself, Simpson found another small entrance and climbed back onto the glacier via a steep snow slope.  - Touching the Void
  • Thorndyke suffers from "high anxiety", which prevents him from climbing the tower's steep stairs and helping Brisbane.  - High Anxiety
  • Nada tumbles down a steep hillside and escapes, leaving his sunglasses behind.  - They Live
  • Marbuck defies the elders and takes Jedda into an area of steep cliffs and canyons, taboo lands.  - Jedda
  • Mann speeds around the truck and races up steep grades, putting distance between himself and the truck.  - Duel (1971 film)
  • Soon, she falls down dangerously steep stairs which were cut through.  - Shadow of a Doubt

Meaning of "steep" in English

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Meaning of "steep" in Hindi

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