How to use "steeped" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "steeped" in popular movie and book plots

  • The group is steeped in mystery as any records of the group- and their opponents "The Saviors"- have been expunged from multiple places.  - Nocturnal (novel)
  • Ishaan is caught between a life steeped in violence and his love for Suman who abhors violence.  - Thakshak
  • The Ryans of St John's, Newfoundland, are an old family steeped in tradition.  - The Divine Ryans
  • A political thriller steeped in illegal oil trading, the Russian Mafia, and governmental cover-ups.  - The Deal (2005 film)
  • It is a court steeped in deeply laid conspiracies.  - Kushiel's Scion
  • Jimi Hendrix was a great fan of science fiction, though probably not as steeped in sf as Gwyneth Jones has proved to be in rock and roll.  - Castles Made of Sand (novel)
  • They discover hell steeped in bureaucracy, the Demon King Astfgl having decided that boredom might be the ultimate form of torture.  - Eric (novel)

Meaning of "steeped" in English

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Meaning of "steeped" in Hindi

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