How to use "steeple" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "steeple" in popular movie and book plots

  • After saying goodbye to Clara, he goes out to the church steeple to face his enemies.  - The Time of the Doctor
  • Michail and Nikolai have meanwhile hid in the church steeple with their friend Andrej.  - The Quality of Mercy (film)
  • Howard arrives at st John's Church, where he witnesses a tripod placing an artifact into the steeple and to which he feels the strong pull.  - To Mars and Providence
  • Watch Robert Newman and John Pulling as they attempt to place signal lanterns in the steeple of the Old North Church.  - Shadow Fox
  • On the way to visit the place, they pass through the town and climb the high steeple to look out at the view.  - The Sandman (short story)
  • It is revealed that work is being done on the steeple of the village church, as Jack had wished.  - Sommersby
  • " As the Captain and Chief Mattocks glare at each other, two small boys go up in the church steeple to see better.  - The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming

Meaning of "steeple" in English

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Meaning of "steeple" in Hindi

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