How to use "stipend" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stipend" in popular movie and book plots

  • Loddon's attorney elicits testimony that Buckenham is being paid a stipend by the newspaper and had previously attempted to blackmail Loddon.  - Libel!
  • The government has awarded Andrea a scholarship and a subsistence stipend so that she can attend university.  - Nada (novel)
  • She travels to the University of Sussex, where he works, to offer him a stipend from the fictional Freedom International Foundation.  - Sweet Tooth (novel)
  • His stipend is inadequate, and he relies on the hard work of Milly, his wife, to help keep the family.  - Scenes of Clerical Life
  • Suspecting that Thompson, who receives a stipend for each prisoner, is behind the sabotage, Crabs warns him not interfere again.  - Dead End Drive-In
  • When order is restored, Vorenus explains they'll receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 denarii from Mark Antony — under Vorenus's supervision.  - Son of Hades
  • A small stipend allows him to live in moderate luxury, and his elderly mother lodges close by to tend to him.  - The Luck of Barry Lyndon
  • However, he agrees to lead an expedition in return for a share of the treasure, or a stipend for his son if he is killed along the way.  - King Solomon's Mines

Meaning of "stipend" in English

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Meaning of "stipend" in Hindi

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