How to use "stirred" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stirred" in popular movie and book plots

  • Rudolf is visibly stirred but Mary is able to comfort him back to calmness.  - Rudolf (musical)
  • Erik Toresen (Paul Muni), a widower and peaceful man, is stirred to violence after the Nazis occupy his quiet Norwegian fishing village.  - Commandos Strike at Dawn
  • Ted Martin (John Hodiak), has stirred speculation that he has been sent by the Pentagon to replace either Kane or Dennis in command.  - Command Decision (film)
  • Grace's memories are stirred up and she decides to make a tape for her grandson, Marcus, sharing her secret with him.  - The House at Riverton
  • Banks finds he has to delve into the past to find out exactly what hornets' nest the journalist inadvertently stirred up.  - Piece of My Heart (novel)
  • Guyard, stirred up by Florian's tales of murder and witchcraft, arms a mob with scythes and bludgeons and storms Melo's house.  - Genuine (film)
  • Romantically stirred by a novel he has written about her, she considers leaving her husband and reuniting with her former flame.  - The Day Before Spring
  • Kate's suspicions are further stirred up.  - Cousin Kate
  • He tries to apologize to her, but she rejects him – even so, she has stirred his patriotism again.  - Mademoiselle Fifi (film)
  • The advent of the bicycle stirred sudden and profound changes in the social life of England.  - The Wheels of Chance
  • The Enders family is shaken and stirred by their son's decisions and behavior, but reluctantly accepts him.  - The Landlord
  • But once magic is stirred up, it isn’t easily contained.  - The Legend of Frosty the Snowman
  • He awakes on the ground the next morning, stirred by the sound of a young gypsy boy playing a violin.  - Nosferatu the Vampyre
  • Later, as Mordred begins an arcane ritual, the scabbard in the hotel flies across the room, stirred by the magic.  - Battlefield (Doctor Who)
  • At the end of the season, the town is stirred by the arrival of two people: Adrienne Van Leyden (Gena Rowlands) and Eddie Jacks (Dan Duryea).  - Peyton Place (TV series)
  • Using a CO doppelganger clone of Andy, Sturm stirred up war among the four countries in order to confuse, weaken, and eventually conquer them.  - Advance Wars

Meaning of "stirred" in English

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Meaning of "stirred" in Hindi

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