How to use "stitch" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stitch" in popular movie and book plots

  • Lady Crane (Essie Davis) returns to her chambers to find a wounded Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) hiding inside, and helps stitch her wounds.  - No One (Game of Thrones)
  • Later, while the Hound tries to stitch his neck wound, Arya offers to cauterize the wound, but the Hound refuses due to his pyrophobia.  - Mockingbird (Game of Thrones)
  • Madison and Zoe stitch together Kyle using new parts.  - Boy Parts
  • As she drives home, Harleen accidentally runs over Rajveer, who asks her to stitch up a gunshot wound sustained during the fight.  - Bang Bang!
  • At Parker's request, she contacts Claire, who comes to stitch up his wounds.  - Parker (2013 film)
  • They kill a fruit vendor, replace his intestines with snakes, and stitch him with a symbol of alpha and omega.  - Those Kinds of Things
  • At the museum, Ed manages to stitch his cheek, leaving him with a large scar.  - The Dead (novel)
  • To stitch together the legends that compose the rest of the book told by these elders, the character, “Cuco de los Sueños,” is introduced.  - Leyendas de Guatemala
  • After doctors in Seoul stitch Greg's head wound, he returns to competition and picks up two more gold medals.  - Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story
  • In a series of short skits, Leon Schuster uses candid camera and several disguises to stitch up the general public of South Africa.  - Oh Schucks.... It's Schuster!
  • In a series of short skits, Leon Schuster uses candid camera and several disguises to stitch up the general public of South Africa.  - You Must Be Joking! (1986 film)
  • After their burial the doctors quickly dig up the bodies and stitch together a physically perfect human.  - Frankenstein: The True Story
  • The new head surgeon announces that Clay has come back to life, as the new team stitch Clay's wound.  - Awake (film)
  • This sets off a number of subplots and flashbacks which stitch together the family history.  - A Page of Madness
  • Using hypnotic powers, Hill commands Chapham to force dr Graves to stitch bat wings onto his neck, giving him back his mobility.  - Bride of Re-Animator
  • They take Brad to the hospital, where he receives a single stitch to his toe, while the rest are led to believe he had died.  - Adventures in Babysitting

Meaning of "stitch" in English

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Meaning of "stitch" in Hindi

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