How to use "stocking" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stocking" in popular movie and book plots

  • A man wearing a wide-brimmed hat, white gloves, and a stocking over his face rapes a woman, then smothers her.  - Come Deadly
  • The Arabians take advantage of this decision, stocking up on the weapons the French throw away.  - On the Comet
  • While stocking shelves with Naomi (Alice Parkinson) he sees Tina with her new best friend Steven (Qi Yuwu), returned from Singapore.  - Bait 3D
  • Soon, local stores and businesses are stocking products based on the Joneses' trend-setting styles.  - The Joneses
  • While in town stocking up on provisions, Miyabi and Izaya are attacked.  - Madness (manga)
  • Panicking when she sees the gun in her hand, she suddenly drops the gun, dumps the shoes in a garbage can and runs off in her stocking feet.  - Dead Woman's Shoes
  • when she gets him to retrieve the cufflinks from her stocking before the investigating policeman can ask embarrassing questions.  - The Girl from Missouri
  • The show begins with the elusive silk stocking gang, a criminal duo, escaping from prison and stealing a police motorcycle and side car.  - Police Academy Stunt Show
  • The doctors give them a brief description of the father (middle-aged, bald-spot, an anchor tattoo, and 5'10" in his stocking feet).  - Nutty but Nice
  • The Joanna-duplicate brandishes a stocking and approaches Joanna, implying that she will be strangled.  - The Stepford Wives (1975 film)
  • They also find a knotted stocking at the scene, the signature of the notorious Swaffham Strangler.  - Wilt (film)
  • are wearing stocking masks over their facesW.  - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
  • Ripping the sleeve from his undershirt, Powell placed the sleeve on his head in the hope that people would think it was a stocking cap.  - Lewis Powell (conspirator)
  • Joe is busy stocking up some new issues of Photoplay magazine; Mona arrives late due to the weather.  - Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean (film)
  • Dave moves back to live with his parents in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and is reduced to taking a job stocking shelves at a local supermarket.  - Election (1999 film)
  • Juliet puts a broken piece of brick into a stocking and they go off to the park.  - Heavenly Creatures

Meaning of "stocking" in English

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Meaning of "stocking" in Hindi

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