How to use "stodgy" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stodgy" in popular movie and book plots

  • The new teacher shakes up the little school with progressive ideas, much to the irritation of Hal the staid and stodgy principal.  - The Lotus Eaters (film)
  • The trophy wife of a stodgy man of wealth yearns for a more interesting life.  - East Lynne (1931 film)
  • Pogo went off to travel the world and enjoy himself, while Katharine remarried to stodgy banker Jim Dougherty.  - The Pleasure of His Company
  • She arrives expecting a stodgy old academic, but Ian is young and the two are immediately attracted to one other.  - She-Wolf of London
  • He is a stodgy teacher of Latin, disliked by his pupils, who find him boring and call him 'Trenchie', short for trench-water.  - Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969 film)

Meaning of "stodgy" in English

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Meaning of "stodgy" in Hindi

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