How to use "stool" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stool" in popular movie and book plots

  • Jerry goes back to Mammy and rocks the stool up and down until Tom chases him again.  - Old Rockin' Chair Tom
  • This causes things to become worse when the brothers fight and Charlie throws a stool through the window.  - The Black Balloon (film)
  • approach ms Miller for a stool sample, explaining that "Everything Comes Down to Poo".  - My Musical
  • Arriving at the stage, he sits on a stool (aibiki) and, in a special kind of monologue called tsurane, explains his story.  - Shibaraku
  • House then meets with his team in the clinic and orders his team to get a stool sample.  - Lines in the Sand (House)
  • Leaping onto a stool and comically hiking up numerous, patterned layers of underclothes, Mammy calls Tom who emerges and pursues Jerry.  - The Midnight Snack
  • When he is asked to provide a stool sample, he attacks Mulder and tries to flee.  - Ice (The X-Files)
  • Sam, back in prisoner garb, groans over his predicament at the rock pile and asks "I'd like to know what dirty stool pigeon squealed on me".  - Big House Bunny
  • They arrange that Stacey be named by Ross as guilty for killing of Limpy, another inmate and hated stool pigeon.  - Each Dawn I Die
  • Tweek and Craig knock the stool out from underneath Kenny, and Kenny hangs on the saw machine.  - Tweek vs. Craig
  • A stool is brought in by a maintenance man named Arnie (Hugh Webster) who discovers it covered in strawberry jam as he wipes it down.  - The Cube (film)
  • Suddenly, Yuki falls off a stool while trying to reach for something and dies.  - Nobody Knows (2004 film)
  • Waiting for an opportunity, he sits atop a bar stool and diligently works on various gadgets from day to day.  - Honor Among Thieves (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • We also learn why the town obtusely refers to itself as "the stool capital of the United States".  - Waiting for Guffman
  • Barnaby has them arrested on a burglary charge, and the two are sentenced to be dunked in the ducking stool and then banished to Bogeyland.  - Babes in Toyland (1934 film)
  • Startled, she falls off a stool and knocks herself unconscious.  - Fanny Hill

Meaning of "stool" in English

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Meaning of "stool" in Hindi

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