How to use "storage" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "storage" in popular movie and book plots

  • The trio meet the eccentric mr Henry and plan to rob a safe at a cold storage facility.  - Bottle Rocket
  • On Super Bowl Sunday, Ace follows Finkle to an abandoned yacht storage facility, where he finds Snowflake and Marino.  - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
  • Commander Uvanov orders them to be locked up in the robot storage bay, on suspicion of killing all three humans.  - The Robots of Death
  • Nick uses a sewer tunnel to enter the Customs House basement as Jack rigs the cameras to shut off when Nick enters the storage room.  - The Score (2001 film)
  • The Underground carries out the destruction of Prozium manufacturing and storage facilities and attacks key points throughout the city.  - Equilibrium (film)
  • Meanwhile, Marko has set up weapons storage and hideaway spot in the cellar of his grandfather's house.  - Underground (1995 film)
  • In the summer of 1958 at Camp Crystal Lake, two camp counselors named Barry and Claudette sneak away from a campfire and into a storage barn.  - Friday the 13th (1980 film)
  • There she gradually realizes that the "ninth floor" is a storage area occupied by thinking, animated mannequins.  - The After Hours
  • The body count rises when White searches a storage room under Lefferts' mother's house, and finds the decomposed corpse of Meeks.  - L.A. Confidential (film)
  • Drunk and almost incoherent, Jett leads the way to a wine storage room.  - Giant (1956 film)
  • Unfortunately, the man turns out to be one of the enemy, and with his accomplices he locks Hannay into his storage room.  - The Thirty-Nine Steps
  • Sharrow visits the storage facility where the tomb is kept and finds a device that provides them with co-ordinates deep in an embargoed zone.  - Against a Dark Background
  • Nedry deactivates the park's security system to gain access to the embryo storage room.  - Jurassic Park (film)
  • Two Soviet MiG-25s cross into West German airspace and bomb a NATO munitions storage facility, also striking a school and a hospital.  - The Day After
  • This leads her to a storage shed where she discovers a man's severed head with a sphinx moth lodged in its throat.  - The Silence of the Lambs (film)
  • After a quick chase to a parade float storage yard, Buffy finally confronts Lothos, shortly after she and Pike take down his gang.  - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (film)

Meaning of "storage" in English

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Meaning of "storage" in Hindi

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