How to use "stoutly" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stoutly" in popular movie and book plots

  • Worried that Tex is not in Dunbar, Gene stoutly defends his brother when Cardigan tells him he is being sought for the murder of Barclay.  - Round-Up Time in Texas
  • Dupres stoutly refuses to give up the Chinese soldiers hidden in the attic of the Girls College.  - John Rabe (film)
  • A stoutly woman wearing a long black dress and a navy blue coat rudely collects Joe’s ticket, and scurries away.  - Whispering to Witches
  • But the father continues to stoutly deny any such happening.  - Tholi Valapu
  • When Ruder's niece Kathi (Norma Shearer) stoutly defends the centuries-old family business, Karl is entranced by her, and decides to stay.  - The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg

Meaning of "stoutly" in English

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Meaning of "stoutly" in Hindi

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