How to use "stove" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stove" in popular movie and book plots

  • Leo's stove has exploded, not the package.  - The Package (Seinfeld)
  • She studies hamburgers cooking on the stove and imagines slashing Amanda's neck.  - Unleashed (Angel)
  • The room goes up in flames as the gas stove explodes and beams come down from the ceiling.  - Loyalty (Angel)
  • After a long chase the Little Tramp manages to knock the bully unconscious by dropping a heavy stove on his head from an upstairs window.  - Easy Street (film)
  • Moved, Angel silently turns back to the stove and continues to scramble eggs, while Wesley finishes packing up his things.  - Parting Gifts
  • Their friends gather at New Duvemåla to celebrate Christmas, and they all marvel at the new stove ("The Queen of the Prairie").  - Kristina från Duvemåla
  • At the gas station she buys a camp stove from Harry who thanks her and wishes her a "Merry Christmas".  - One Magic Christmas
  • hits mr Barnett with the flat end of an ax and slaps mrs Barnett, causing her to hit the back of her head on a stove and black out.  - Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
  • A toppled stove causes the shack to catch fire.  - Inferno (1953 film)
  • The paper falls off the stove causes a bigger fire.  - Look Who's Talking Too
  • A noise on top of the stove reveals that Luka has overheard everything.  - The Lower Depths
  • Bugs hides Rocky and Mugsy in the stove when they fall for Bugs' fake alarm.  - Bugs and Thugs
  • Émilien goes back home to discover that he left the stove on earlier and his house is now burned down.  - Taxi (1998 film)
  • Soon after the money Molly hid in the stove accidentally is burned, Johnny discovers the richest gold vein in state history.  - The Unsinkable Molly Brown (film)
  • At one point, while the Gallaghers are not home, Alex kills Ellen's pet rabbit, and puts it on their stove to boil.  - Fatal Attraction
  • Zola dies of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty stove the night before the public ceremony in which Dreyfus is exonerated.  - The Life of Emile Zola

Meaning of "stove" in English

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Meaning of "stove" in Hindi

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