How to use "strand" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "strand" in popular movie and book plots

  • It is revealed that the cause of Peter's demise was a strand of common London fog brought in on the children's clothes.  - Peter Pan in Scarlet
  • In the second strand of the story, Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) and Clark develop a "yin and yang" relationship.  - Pilot (Smallville)
  • In another strand of the plot, a young man who goes by the name Alex arrives in Connecticut seeking to avenge the murder of his brother.  - Forbidden (Cooney novel)
  • Yelisey carries away the coffins, which are tied together by a long strand of rope.  - The Foundation Pit
  • After Pris's destruction of a John Wilkes Booth prototype simulacrum, the Stanton/Lincoln simulacra strand of the plot abruptly terminates.  - We Can Build You
  • From him, they learn that they are in the wrong time strand and must go back to Xanth and re-cross the border.  - Centaur Aisle
  • They sail away and strand themselves on an island, leaving them vulnerable to piranha attacks that never actually happen.  - Piranha II: The Spawning
  • Spider-Man shoots a web strand at her legs and catches her.  - The Night Gwen Stacy Died
  • They strand Tack at the gas station, and head for Torrance Beach.  - The Stoned Age
  • When the DNA in the tumors is sequenced, there is an identical strand of alien DNA in both of them.  - Mutation (novel)
  • He points out that every strand of her hair is white, indicating her great age and her inability to conceive.  - Taltos (Rice novel)
  • The first strand centres around Dan Sylveste, beginning in the year 2551.  - Revelation Space
  • Returning to Metropolis, Lex and Lenny steal a strand of Superman's hair from a museum, and create a genetic matrix which Lex attaches to aS.  - Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
  • Whilst taking off, mrs Tweedy chases them down and catches onto a Christmas light strand snagged in the wheels.  - Chicken Run
  • Not pleased with another passenger on board, the fishermen decide to strand Trina and Nathaniel on the island they're sailing toward.  - Cabin Boy
  • The severely damaged vessel collides with a strand of shadow-square wire and crash-lands on the Ringworld near a huge mountain.  - Ringworld

Meaning of "strand" in English

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Meaning of "strand" in Hindi

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