How to use "stranded" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stranded" in popular movie and book plots

  • Charlotte and Jerry become friendly, and in Rio de Janeiro the two are stranded on Sugarloaf Mountain when their car crashes.  - Now, Voyager
  • Forced to crash-land and stranded in the desert, they attempt to return to civilization while being pursued by two helicopters.  - Capricorn One
  • The Supreme Being disappears with the dwarves, leaving Kevin stranded behind as a missed piece of concentrated Evil begins to smoulder.  - Time Bandits
  • This creates a mutual suspicion among the stranded travelers, as they try to guess which among them is the alien.  - Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?
  • Noÿs Lambent reveals that to make Eternity improbable, Harlan needs only to leave Cooper stranded in 1932.  - The End of Eternity
  • Jim lures West and another soldier to the blockade, where Jim kills the latter and leaves West stranded for arriving infected.  - 28 Days Later
  • She takes a side road in New Mexico, but ends up stranded when she runs out of gas.  - The Hitch-Hiker (The Twilight Zone)
  • Traveling in pairs, the group's two canoes are briefly separated, with Ed and Bobby getting stranded on the riverbank.  - Deliverance
  • Taking a different route, they find Sir Henry's brother stranded in an oasis by a broken leg, unable to go forward or back.  - King Solomon's Mines
  • He is stranded there when Emmet steals his motorcycle's fuel line and Maureen steals his booster fuel.  - Full Throttle (1995 video game)
  • Crichton's only option to save his home world is to destroy the wormhole that leads there, leaving him stranded in space forever.  - Farscape
  • During one trip, he ends up stranded on the homely planet Lamuella, and decides to stay to become a sandwich maker for the local population.  - Mostly Harmless
  • Though Khan believes his foe stranded on Regula I, Kirk and Spock use a coded message to arrange a rendezvous.  - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Her ship was stranded on the Ringworld when the landing mechanism failed.  - Ringworld
  • A complicated series of events leaves Kochanski stranded in the series' main universe, where she is forced to join the crew.  - Red Dwarf
  • The humans are stranded on the Tines world, now in the depths of the "Slow Zone".  - A Fire Upon the Deep

Meaning of "stranded" in English

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Meaning of "stranded" in Hindi

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