How to use "stranger" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stranger" in popular movie and book plots

  • Hunter is uncomfortable around this stranger who is his father.  - Paris, Texas (film)
  • As the night falls and Adams and the stranger discourse on courage and duty, a shriek is heard.  - Joseph Andrews
  • Call and Ripley look down at Earth, and when Call asks what Ripley wants to do next, she says, "I'm a stranger here myself".  - Alien: Resurrection
  • A young man named Dunstan Thorn rents out his cottage to a stranger in exchange for his "Heart's Desire", in addition to a monetary payment.  - Stardust (novel)
  • This episode confirms to Harry that he is, and will always be, a stranger to his society.  - Steppenwolf (novel)
  • Against Norma's pleas, mrs Bronson unlocks the door, and the stranger forces his way in, pulls the revolver from Norma and drinks their water.  - The Midnight Sun
  • The first solution is that a stranger boarded the train and murdered Cassetti.  - Murder on the Orient Express
  • Mark Ablett has disappeared, so Tony Gillingham, a stranger who has just arrived to call on his friend Bill, decides to investigate.  - The Red House Mystery
  • Their accents were strange, their manners even stranger and their observances of the rituals questionable.  - Bene Tleilax
  • After several months have passed, a stranger travelling under Austrian protection arrives in Berlin.  - The Luck of Barry Lyndon
  • Julie confides that Roger is punishing himself for Trina's fate and behaves like a stranger to her.  - Penny Serenade
  • During her lunch break, she sees a stranger leaving a baby on the steps of an orphanage.  - Bachelor Mother
  • There is some comic relief at a dance hall, where an eastern stranger is forced to dance while the locals fire at his feet.  - The Great Train Robbery (1903 film)
  • He initiates conversation with a stranger and recalls his childhood in Greenbow, Alabama during the 1950s.  - Forrest Gump
  • Kate and the stranger stalk each other through the museum until they finally wind up outside, where Kate joins him in a taxi.  - Dressed to Kill (1980 film)
  • Along the way, he feels that he is being watched by a tall and thin stranger (possibly Count Dracula).  - Dracula

Meaning of "stranger" in English

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Meaning of "stranger" in Hindi

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