How to use "straw" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "straw" in popular movie and book plots

  • The final straw is when, during a yachting trip, Philippe strands Tom in the dinghy and leaves him to lie in the sun for hours.  - Purple Noon
  • Meanwhile, Michele's father has drawn the short straw and shows up at the cave to kill Filippo.  - I'm Not Scared
  • The final straw for Sam occurs when George makes a remark subtly impugning her femininity, at which point Sam leaves in a huff.  - 10 (film)
  • This is the last straw for Hugh and he insists David stop seeing Jade until the end of the school term in 30 days.  - Endless Love (1981 film)
  • The last straw occurs when his wrongly sized suit, which he had struggled to put on, rips when he bends his back.  - Father of the Bride (1991 film)
  • The incident proves to be the last straw for Hank, who decides to send his father to a nursing home.  - Monster's Ball
  • This proves to be the last straw for Mike and he leaves her alone in his place after an argument.  - The Last Seduction
  • The final straw is when she points out that the son is his "false god".  - Brand (play)
  • This incident is the final straw for McKeag.  - Centennial (miniseries)
  • This becomes the last straw for the colony, prompting Timon to leave to find a better life.  - The Lion King 1½
  • In order to make himself appear superior, a miller lies to the king, telling him that his daughter can spin straw into gold.  - Rumpelstiltskin
  • The first pig erects a wire structure, then quickly bushels straw over the structure for the house.  - Pigs in a Polka
  • The incident is the last straw for Madame Henrietta who resolves to dismiss Louise from her service as Maid of Honour.  - The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later
  • Arthur's corruption of their son — encouraging him to drink and swear at his tender age — is the last straw for Helen.  - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
  • Rameses decrees that the Hebrews be given no straw to make their bricks, but to make the same tally as before on pain of death.  - The Ten Commandments (1956 film)
  • He continues to maximize inside information and use friends as straw buyers to provide more income for him and Gekko.  - Wall Street (1987 film)

Meaning of "straw" in English

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Meaning of "straw" in Hindi

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