How to use "strenuous" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "strenuous" in popular movie and book plots

  • Because of his strenuous lifestyle, he explains that in the past year he decided to take a holiday.  - Father Christmas (1991 film)
  • Lila's sex is so strenuous that Eddie suffers physical pain.  - The Heartbreak Kid (2007 film)
  • Rassendyll decides that he is that man, over Zapt's strenuous objections.  - The Prisoner of Zenda (1937 film)
  • dr Austin several times orders the boy to avoid strenuous exercise as he accompanies Vicky and her family in their sightseeing.  - The Moon by Night
  • Act I Opening in a high school gym, the gym teacher, Miss Gardner, is leading her girls' gym class in a strenuous workout ("In").  - Carrie (musical)
  • Despite his better judgment and strenuous efforts to discourage her, she forces him to take her on as apprentice swordswoman.  - The Paladin
  • Due to the strenuous workload, he falls ill and dies.  - Jogi (film)
  • After a strenuous effort, they get the permission and head for the tower.  - Arc the Lad II
  • Not wanting to be a burden to Ben and against his strenuous objections, Eve insisted on canceling their November 24, 1977 wedding.  - Guiding Light (1970–79)
  • After strenuous efforts yield nothing, a vagrant ex-serviceman, John Waldron (Arthur Kennedy), is apprehended and identified in a lineup.  - Boomerang (1947 film)
  • To do so, he embarks on a strenuous worldwide lecture tour, leaving behind Livy to care for their daughters.  - The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944 film)
  • He, a 60-year-old man, is imprisoned and forced to perform strenuous physical labor.  - The Mortal Storm
  • As the credits roll, the men begin a strenuous journey back to friendly lines.  - Force 10 from Navarone (film)
  • Thereafter, Strange's strenuous efforts to rescue Arabella take their toll, and his letters to his friends appear crazed.  - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
  • Petra calls her a "rotten little whore", and Karin responds that being with Petra is less strenuous than walking the streets.  - The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
  • This plan is adopted, over the strenuous opposition of Bury, who views the Moties as the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.  - The Mote in God's Eye

Meaning of "strenuous" in English

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Meaning of "strenuous" in Hindi

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