How to use "strife" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "strife" in popular movie and book plots

  • Civil strife has laid waste to the unified Britain forged during Arthur's reign.  - The Firebrand (Kemp novel)
  • A lawless time of plague and strife called the Interregnum has begun.  - Five Hundred Years After
  • The secret organization Bath is a force that grows and expands every day, causing strife and of violent crime throughout the city.  - Gurume Sentai Barayarō
  • Another plot line revolves around strife within the Melish family.  - Kaaterskill Falls (novel)
  • Bradley refuses to come quietly, and his conflicting emotions with Carla and other people induce strife among his fellow schoolmates.  - There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom
  • The bomb sharply polarizes the CNA, leading to internal strife between internationalists and peace factions.  - For Want of a Nail (novel)
  • However, political and economical strife have led to a recession that has affected the colonies the hardest.  - Another Century's Episode
  • Unfortunately, the pearl is also cursed and causes strife between the brothers.  - Blood & Magic
  • Meanwhile, Heinrich finds himself caught in the marital strife between his co-worker, Willi Dorsch, and Willi's wife, Erika.  - In the Presence of Mine Enemies
  • At a time of strife over the separation of church and state Déroulard was a key player as an anti-Catholic and a potential minister.  - Poirot's Early Cases
  • Sayers and Piccolo are placed as roommates, a rarity during the racial strife at the time.  - Brian's Song
  • Three sorority women at a 1957 Alabama college face the experience and difficulties of ethnic strife and integration.  - Heart of Dixie
  • At the same time the upper classes are concerned with language strife and Finland's relationship with Russia.  - Under the North Star trilogy
  • Disillusioned by all the strife caused by power struggles, Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying retire from the jianghu and live happily ever after.  - The Smiling, Proud Wanderer
  • Chris experiences his own strife with his Blood Pollution bandmates, particularly guitarist Rob Malcolm (Timothy Olyphant).  - Rock Star (2001 film)
  • Central Intelligence Agency) and factional strife broke out between the two groups.  - Harold Wilson

Meaning of "strife" in English

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Meaning of "strife" in Hindi

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