How to use "stripe" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stripe" in popular movie and book plots

  • The man then paints a white stripe on her back to make her look like a skunk to scare away the patrons in a nearby bank.  - Two Scent's Worth
  • As the ship begins to sail away, Penelope squeezes under a painted white fence, receiving a white stripe across her spine.  - Who Scent You?
  • Three high school girls work as volunteer candy stripe nurses at Oakwood Hospital.  - Candy Stripe Nurses
  • She then deliberately paints a white stripe on her back, disguising herself as a skunk, so as to be fed.  - Scentimental Romeo
  • He has doubts about buying the jacket because it is very expensive and has a candy stripe lining.  - The Jacket (Seinfeld)
  • However, the only difference is a green stripe down the side, which is of no interest to anyone.  - Anthology of Interest I
  • As the young badger could not remember his name, Skarlath dubs him Sunflash after the distinctive golden stripe running down his snout.  - Outcast of Redwall
  • sees a small yellow ball with a blue stripe and a red star on the front rolling up to him.  - Luxo Jr.

Meaning of "stripe" in English

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Meaning of "stripe" in Hindi

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