How to use "strive" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "strive" in popular movie and book plots

  • He also decides to strive to form a League of Civilized Worlds out of the alliance that rescued Marduk.  - Space Viking
  • She decides to gene code a son to strive for justice for the underpeople.  - The Dead Lady of Clown Town
  • His children strive to establish their own lives while remaining loyal to the family.  - Amongst Women
  • All strive to solve the puzzle as time runs out, especially when Beate Moerk goes missing while jogging late at night.  - Borkmann's Point
  • The ruling Knights of Kuabris strive to maintain order in the city as horrid creatures emerge from the sewers.  - The Menagerie (novel)
  • Citizens strive to be of equal wealth, intelligence, athletic prowess and social status to all around them.  - Harrison Bergeron (film)
  • Lady Han, a sang goong that has always watched over her, warns her of the path she is taking but Jang Geum continues to strive to impress.  - Jang Geum's Dream
  • They start the novel far down the social ladder, but strive to rise up it, in spite of those who seek to keep them down.  - Four Fires
  • The main theme involves the role of the caste system, and how the younger generation strive to overcome it.  - Indira (film)
  • While some strive to establish peaceful contact others are developing increasingly powerful weaponry in an attempt to shoot down Voyager.  - Blink of an Eye (Star Trek: Voyager)
  • Nonetheless, in the end, she got her symbiont, and she encourages Arjin to strive for more.  - Playing God (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • The colony is the last vestige of mankind, but without a goal to strive for, the colony (and mankind) will die.  - If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth
  • Leaders from the East sense Asmodeus' plottings and strive to destroy him before it is too late.  - Mace: The Dark Age
  • Club members strive for the honor of becoming "gifted" via Kagura's power.  - Speed Grapher
  • They promise to forget their past troubles and strive for marital happiness.  - Early Spring (1956 film)
  • In the epilogue, the heroes strive to become fully integrated members of the communities.  - Kingdom Come (comics)

Meaning of "strive" in English

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Meaning of "strive" in Hindi

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