How to use "stroke" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stroke" in popular movie and book plots

  • After knocking Kuzco out, Yzma orders Kronk to kill him and hide the body, but Kronk has a stroke of conscience and saves him.  - The Emperor's New Groove
  • In a stroke of luck, Alex wins a contest to shoot a halftime, half-court shot.  - Longshot (film)
  • While travelling on the tube herself, her handbag containing her credit cards is stolen, and she suffers a stroke in one of the packed cars.  - King Solomon's Carpet
  • They began a duel that was much more pitiful than Tajōmaru's account had made it sound, and Tajōmaru ultimately won through a stroke of luck.  - Rashomon
  • Ellie's family also suffers when her mother has a stroke which causes paralysis.  - Contact (novel)
  • He climbs out on the ledge, where Aloysius locks him out and watches as he slips and falls off the building at the stroke of midnight.  - The Hudsucker Proxy
  • Unfortunately, Harry suffers a massive stroke and is disabled, leaving him unable to speak or walk.  - The Sum of Us
  • Shortly afterward, Sir Charles suffers a debilitating stroke and dr Herder has a nervous breakdown upon realizing what Jack has done.  - The Ruling Class (film)
  • Old Prince Bolkonsky dies of a stroke knowing that French marauders are coming for his estate.  - War and Peace
  • In particular, those children born closest to the stroke of midnight wield more powerful gifts than the others.  - Midnight's Children
  • After being paid off, and returning home for some clothes, Robert is shot at the stroke of midnight.  - After the Thin Man
  • Happy accomplishes his mission by a stroke of luck.  - Decision Before Dawn
  • When Lennie tells Mae that he loves to stroke soft things, Mae allows him to stroke her hair, telling him not to "muss it up".  - Of Mice and Men (1939 film)
  • After finding out about Lennie's habit, she offers to let him stroke her hair, but panics and begins to scream when she feels his strength.  - Of Mice and Men
  • By a tragic stroke of bad luck, Jack spots the enemy aircraft and, bent on avenging his friend, begins an attack.  - Wings (1927 film)
  • Then Jane receives word that her aunt mrs Reed is calling for her, because she suffered a stroke after her son John died.  - Jane Eyre

Meaning of "stroke" in English

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Meaning of "stroke" in Hindi

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