How to use "stubborn" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stubborn" in popular movie and book plots

  • A twenty-year-old man just as stubborn as Tris, Keth won't accept Tris or any of her teachings.  - Shatterglass
  • Kelly, bruised but stubborn as ever, tells Pole that they will use the money to get the parts to fix Maxo.  - Steel (The Twilight Zone)
  • She is too stubborn so she goes to Momo's and Kairi's university every day.  - Peach Girl
  • During their journey, Wolf questions his loyalty to the Queen in order to gain favour with the stubborn Virginia and quickly sides with them.  - The 10th Kingdom
  • Marshall is a wealthy industrialist, a stubborn and determined self-made man.  - The Maggie
  • The Doctor is sceptical, believing Styles to be stubborn but basically a good man.  - Day of the Daleks
  • They attempt to exorcise the demon, but a stubborn Pazuzu toys with them, especially Karras.  - The Exorcist (film)
  • To his horror, Melisandre gives birth to a shadow which enters Storm's End and slays its stubborn castellan Ser Cortnay Penrose.  - A Clash of Kings
  • The platoon is forced to attack the hill repeatedly against stubborn opposition.  - Hamburger Hill
  • Their country drive presents grave perils for Bosko, with the first obstacle being a stubborn grazing cow.  - Sinkin' in the Bathtub
  • Thirteen-year-old Meg Murry's classmates and teachers see her as a troublesome and stubborn student.  - A Wrinkle in Time
  • She has no intention of marrying him and tells him so, but he's too stubborn to listen.  - Bus Stop (1956 film)
  • Eastward are the Ruins of Truth, where the stubborn Ghost-type Pokémon Gengar blocks the player's path until it is scared away by the lamp.  - Pokémon Channel
  • Sandy, with a keen interest in psychology, is fascinated by Mr Lloyd's stubborn love, his painter's mind, and his religion.  - The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (novel)
  • Thomas Dunson (John Wayne) is a stubborn man who wants nothing more than to start up a successful cattle ranch in Texas.  - Red River (1948 film)
  • Grouchy, stubborn and egotistical Professor Isak Borg is a widowed 78-year-old physician who specialized in bacteriology.  - Wild Strawberries (film)

Meaning of "stubborn" in English

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Meaning of "stubborn" in Hindi

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