How to use "stun" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "stun" in popular movie and book plots

  • With the soldiers gone, Walsh summons Buffy for a very easy mission and arms her with a stun rifle.  - The I in Team
  • O'Brien used one of his improvisations to stun the crew members and took out two security-officers before fleeing the Promenade.  - Whispers (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • His original masters kill Khemsa and Gitara, stun Conan and kidnap Yasmina.  - The People of the Black Circle
  • The Ogrons' energy weapons stun the two pilots and the Doctor.  - Frontier in Space
  • Meanwhile, Asterix and Obelix also stun the young legionary and enter the Gothic lands.  - Asterix and the Goths
  • When Dawn wakes up, she gives him a shock with a stun gun and then drives them back.  - End of Days (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Riker demands they return La Forge, but the Pakleds refuse, and stun him again with his phaser.  - Samaritan Snare
  • Mariel snatches up Skullgor’s sword from the ground and manages to stun Gabool, but is knocked out herself by the villain’s henchmen.  - Mariel of Redwall
  • Kirk and McCoy agree, and Spock, on return to the outpost, is able to stun a creature.  - Operation: Annihilate!
  • While on a mission to 1963, a time travel operative on board a plane is shot before it crashes, losing a stun weapon as a result.  - Millennium (film)
  • Two aliens emerge, stun Pike with a weapon of some kind, and carry him through the door, which closes.  - The Menagerie (Star Trek: The Original Series)
  • The Doctor finds a cure, but the Silurians attack the centre and stun him with their third eyes, taking him away.  - Doctor Who and the Silurians
  • The future team then uses special weapons to stun them before throwing them through the gate.  - Millennium (novel)
  • As his pursuer bears down on him, Prendick manages to stun him with a stone and observes the pursuer is a monstrous hybrid of animal and man.  - The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • After Sisko declines an offer to join, Hudson and the Maquis stun the group and depart.  - The Maquis (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • This turns out to be unnecessary as he is saved by a team of strangers who stun the Myrmidons with a flashbang grenade and lift him to safety.  - Shade's Children

Meaning of "stun" in English

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Meaning of "stun" in Hindi

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