How to use "stunted" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stunted" in popular movie and book plots

  • Meanwhile, Jenn is concerned with the stunted life she is living, treated as an underling at her yoga studio.  - Gayby
  • Olivia makes a full recovery, though Walter suspects that her Cortexiphan powers will be stunted by the process.  - Brave New World (Fringe)
  • The book follows the dwarf’s stunted existence through nasty cityscapes.  - The Dwarf (Cho Se-hui novel)
  • Jim (Brendan Cowell) is a thirty-three-year-old, emotionally stunted man who works at a miniature railway, and refuses to grow up.  - I Love You Too (2010 film)
  • Tobin begins to attract attention form the other boys, with his refusals to join them in the brothels and his stunted growth.  - Hidden Warrior
  • Unfortunately, she grows up stunted and sickly.  - Lovelock (novel)
  • Fischer realises Belasco had had his own stunted legs amputated, and used the prosthetics in a grotesque attempt to appear imposing.  - The Legend of Hell House
  • It stunted his development, leaving him mentally handicapped, and Hans' sole goal became to find mammoths to ride as the doll depicts.  - Syberia

Meaning of "stunted" in English

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Meaning of "stunted" in Hindi

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