How to use "stupefied" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stupefied" in popular movie and book plots

  • He can't stand Dorrimore, who is a magician of sorts from Calcutta and who stupefied the narrator with his performance five years earlier.  - The Realm of the Unreal
  • After being thrown out of his flat, Idem has a chance to observe stupefied citizens who fall victim to the repression of the state apparatus.  - The War of the Worlds: Next Century
  • Isak was stupefied of the generosity of Geissler.  - Growth of the Soil
  • Later, they walk into Sam; then Rowland chances upon Christina and the Prince; Roderick comes along and he is stupefied with her beauty.  - Roderick Hudson
  • He is stupefied when she declares him a liar and a cheat, and tells him that she has already given him both the mantle and her bracelet.  - Menaechmi
  • They are most stupefied by a gramophone the tyrant possesses.  - Mirch Masala
  • She then laughs mockingly at the stupefied men.  - The Grave (The Twilight Zone)

Meaning of "stupefied" in English

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Meaning of "stupefied" in Hindi

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