How to use "stupor" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "stupor" in popular movie and book plots

  • Decker buries his family, and then falls into a catatonic stupor as the weight of his loss consumes him.  - In His Image (novel)
  • Brennan snaps out of his stupor just as he is due to greet the Pope in the Vatican, and flies back to Craggy Island in extreme anger.  - Kicking Bishop Brennan Up the Arse
  • He eventually rouses himself from his stupor and cycles away.  - Les Bicyclettes de Belsize
  • She wakes in a stupor to find herself captive and confined to a cell.  - Captivity (film)
  • She calls out to him, but Charles is in a drunken stupor on the staircase and we hear the bottle drop from his hands as Helen calls.  - The Last Time I Saw Paris
  • Eduin MacEarn, former laranzu of Arilinn, now lives in drunken stupor in the gutters of Thendara.  - A Flame in Hali
  • The Recovery Man pulls her out of her stupor by showing her Marek's body.  - Octane (film)
  • When the pirates have been rendered into a stupor by the effects of a drug called slava, Calwyn, Mica, and the Fledgewing's crew escape.  - The Singer of All Songs
  • Meanwhile, Burns recovers from his stupor and discovers the check he wrote to Homer.  - Team Homer
  • The book ends with Dorcas and Severian emerging from a stupor in the stone town, Jolenta dead, and the witches and Hildegrin gone.  - The Claw of the Conciliator
  • She seduces Michael, causing him to snap out of his stupor and renew his vow to find his wife at all costs.  - Lasher
  • He tries to drive them home, but in a drunken stupor overturns the car.  - Co-Dependents' Day
  • He is upset again when he learns of the death of Howard, waking up in the street after a drunken stupor and again returning to Lee.  - Pollock (film)
  • That night, Laura, in a drunken stupor on her bed, drops her whiskey on the floor, drags the phone toward her, and puts in a call to Frank.  - The Verdict
  • She falls into a stupor on the bed with the telephone cord tangled around her neck.  - Detour (1945 film)
  • Throughout the night, Barbra slowly descends into a stupor of shock and insanity.  - Night of the Living Dead

Meaning of "stupor" in English

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Meaning of "stupor" in Hindi

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