How to use "subhuman" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subhuman" in popular movie and book plots

  • While in the basement, Nola is attacked by something subhuman and killed.  - Blood of Dracula
  • Richardson had spoken of it in an account of the tortures he endured at the hands of its subhuman worshippers.  - The Horror from the Hills
  • Tweenies are despised and treated as subhuman by the general population, but Scanlon takes pity on Max, and invites him into his home.  - Half-Breed (short story)
  • They travel north, encountering various creatures of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, as well as additional primitive subhuman races.  - The People That Time Forgot (novel)
  • In the morning, Blanche tells Stella that she is married to a subhuman animal.  - A Streetcar Named Desire (1951 film)
  • Savary (Elliott), a sinister biochemist, has created a subhuman species that dwells in London's underground.  - Underworld (1985 film)

Meaning of "subhuman" in English

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Meaning of "subhuman" in Hindi

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