How to use "subjective" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subjective" in popular movie and book plots

  • The ocean depths represent the inner depths of subjective experience, while the desert symbolizes the "real world", or how "others" see you.  - Lyraka Volume 1
  • In each book, Formaine realizes the function of each mathematical collective in the flow of objective history and subjective reality.  - Necromancer (novel)
  • The theme of blindness and of a blind's person subjective experience plays a major role in the psychological study depicted in the movie.  - Music in Darkness
  • In flashbacks, personal and political wounds are reopened, focused on Nozawa's subjective experiences in both 1950 and 1960.  - Night and Fog in Japan
  • Perihelion terraforms Mars, a process that is finished in a few months of subjective Earth time.  - Spin (novel)
  • The children have only been alive for six subjective years.  - Shadows in Flight
  • The film is told in a highly subjective point of view through a fragmented narrative that resembles the way memories function.  - Memories of Underdevelopment
  • These are later revealed to be solipsistic manifestations, bringing the story in line with Dick's penchant for subjective realities.  - Eye in the Sky (novel)
  • Alternatively, Dante's Divine Comedy is a portal to alternate subjective realities that represent three ways of perceiving the world.  - The Owl in Daylight
  • Believing that testing on animals and volunteers will produce uselessly subjective observations, he tests the drops on himself.  - X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes
  • , and his subjective preference for chocolate over vanilla ice cream.  - D.A.R.Y.L.

Meaning of "subjective" in English

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Meaning of "subjective" in Hindi

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