How to use "submissive" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "submissive" in popular movie and book plots

  • Seong-chul is extremely shy and submissive to authority.  - The Journals of Musan
  • Or is the submissive and helpless Hala a better fit for his traditionalist values, even though she can be very overbearing.  - Bolbol Hayran
  • While there he meets Galen’s beautiful and submissive wife, Rebecca Bangston.  - Split Image (novel)
  • A submissive son with an almost scary mother, Aamir can not stand up and fight for Abginey.  - Chaandni Raatain
  • Charlotte is the only one who gains by the end, in that she has lost her meek and submissive demeanor.  - Madame de Sade
  • Thomas refuses to be submissive any longer and dictates the new policy of the household.  - Brothers Under the Skin
  • The injection has severe side effects for Laura because her basic personality is not submissive at all, so she starts to pass out.  - Descent (The Outer Limits)
  • Comedic antics ensue amid the activities of scantily clad guests and employees, acting out their dominant and submissive fantasies.  - Exit to Eden (film)
  • He advises Krishnaswamy not to be angry if the jailor is cruel; as he might be released sooner if he is submissive in the jail.  - Mahanadi (film)
  • Following this, Red's personality becomes more anxious and submissive to Black.  - The Anarchist Cookbook (film)
  • This is the end of her trials: she is more submissive to him and owes him everything now as a wife.  - Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded
  • His wife, classical cellist Han Soo-hyun, is submissive and seemingly perfect.  - The Scarlet Letter (2004 film)
  • Zadig should be submissive to Fate, he continues, and should return to Babylonia, advice which he follows.  - Zadig
  • Furiously, Miss Julie tells him of how her mother raised her to be submissive to no man.  - Miss Julie
  • Xuzhu is a monk from the Shaolin Sect who is described to have a kind-hearted and submissive personality.  - Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils
  • Graziella is spared due to her betrayal of Eva, and Rino is spared due to his submissive relationship with the Duke.  - Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

Meaning of "submissive" in English

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Meaning of "submissive" in Hindi

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