How to use "subscription" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subscription" in popular movie and book plots

  • Burns makes it home that night after a very successful day of selling his first magazine subscription and she reveals the papers he's written.  - The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains
  • Titled The Mystery of the Killer Clone on the subscription variant.  - Orphan Black (comic book)
  • Two local personal trainers from the gym befriend Tomas and teach him how access subscription pornographic content for free.  - Il Futuro
  • As a traveling subscription saleswoman, Marie discovers her father and siblings living in squalor.  - Daughter of Earth
  • Buddy is extremely disappointed, having received the rather dismal gifts of old hand-me-downs and a subscription to a religious magazine.  - A Christmas Memory
  • She goes to see the last surviving person on the subscription list, and finds it is Jonas.  - Conspiracy Theory (film)

Meaning of "subscription" in English

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Meaning of "subscription" in Hindi

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