How to use "subset" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subset" in popular movie and book plots

  • These methods iteratively update the haplotype estimates of each sample conditional upon a subset of K haplotype estimates of other samples.  - Haplotype estimation
  • Spiral Knights is massively multiplayer, although each player interacts with a small subset of other online players at any given time.  - Spiral Knights
  • The mountain is inhabited by Sherpas, who practice a subset of Buddhism and believe the mountain to be a Goddess.  - Cursed Mountain
  • The "Topless" movement as it is called by the narrator could also be perceived as an allegorical subset of the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s.  - Mondo Topless
  • A subset of Spira's sentient races are the "unsent", the strong-willed spirits of the dead that remain in corporeal form.  - Final Fantasy X-2
  • A subset of Spira's sentient races are the "unsent", the strong-willed spirits of the dead that remain in corporeal form.  - Final Fantasy X

Meaning of "subset" in English

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Meaning of "subset" in Hindi

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