How to use "subsist" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subsist" in popular movie and book plots

  • Instead, she insists that they marry immediately and subsist on her salary while he finishes a novel, and Andrew accepts.  - Pleasure Cruise
  • Living without a father, the orphaned brothers subsist off the proceeds of petty theft in a run-down North Philadelphia row house.  - Orphans (1987 film)
  • White (Czarist) Russians, they once lived in luxury, but had to flee Communism to America, where they subsist as pauper servants to the rich.  - The Gutting of Couffignal
  • She tries to subsist on what she can grow herself.  - Emmeline (Rossner novel)
  • A species, called "Burrowers" by the Natives, used to subsist on buffalo.  - The Burrowers
  • For weeks, the Ingallses subsist on potatoes and coarse brown bread made from wheat ground in their coffee mill.  - The Long Winter (novel)
  • The fleet's food supply has been contaminated, forcing everyone to subsist on rapidly dwindling food rations.  - The Passage (Battlestar Galactica)
  • The victims of Earth’s misfortune have been forced to subsist on scavenged refuse from the past on the mangled streets of forlorn city-states.  - Phantom 2040
  • They normally subsist on the tree's cottony foliage, augmented by hunting and a flock of domesticated turkeys.  - The Integral Trees
  • The nuns have essentially no money and subsist by living off the land, on what vegetables the arid climate provides, and some milk and eggs.  - Lilies of the Field (1963 film)

Meaning of "subsist" in English

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Meaning of "subsist" in Hindi

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