How to use "subterfuge" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subterfuge" in popular movie and book plots

  • Ethel shyly confesses to her subterfuge and Billy takes her in his arms.  - Subterfuge (1912 film)
  • Unfortunately, her subterfuge kindles her father's wrath against her, making him all the more determined on the marriage.  - The Rider
  • An error occurred during the process and the information went to Osborn, suggesting subterfuge on Osborn's part.  - Dark Reign (comics)
  • The gullible hero believes the subterfuge and cancels the plans of marriage.  - Gopura Vasalile
  • There, Jason and Cindy engage in subterfuge and display a photo of Zack and Celeste kissing.  - The Cutting Edge: Chasing the Dream
  • Marv does this, but the subterfuge is easily uncovered by the professor.  - High School Big Shot
  • The plan backfires, however; when the girls are resting in Cantirmoor, the subterfuge of a Lirwani agent succeeds in abducting Tess.  - Wren to the Rescue
  • However, the subterfuge of "Ming" is discovered and in the confusion he declares his dislike of the Communists.  - War Trash
  • Ryan and Ramius, their subterfuge complete, navigate Red October to the Penobscot River in Maine.  - The Hunt for Red October (film)
  • However, the Gubru immediately take hostage most of the human population using pre-planned subterfuge consisting of poisonous gas.  - The Uplift War
  • Through an elaborate subterfuge mounted by Aramis, Philippe replaces a prisoner due for release from the Bastille and escapes to Vaux.  - The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later

Meaning of "subterfuge" in English

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Meaning of "subterfuge" in Hindi

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