How to use "subway" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "subway" in popular movie and book plots

  • Saya is introduced on a subway train, where she assassinates a man in a suit.  - Blood: The Last Vampire
  • But Ramon does not stop thinking of the subway trains that are his canvas.  - Beat Street
  • He tells them to reach the Wall Street subway station 90 blocks south, within 30 minutes to stop a bomb planted on a Brooklyn-bound 3 train.  - Die Hard with a Vengeance
  • Fagin saves them with his scooter and a chase ensues into the subway tunnels.  - Oliver & Company
  • The two meet again in the subway the same night, and go back to Gabriel's place to have sex.  - Trick (film)
  • Meanwhile, Neo finds his digital self trapped in a virtual subway station—named, "Mobil Ave".  - The Matrix Revolutions
  • The book intrigues Beechcroft as he starts to leaf through it in the cafeteria, and he continues to read it on the subway ride home.  - The Mind and the Matter
  • During their escape, he tells her that he loves her, then flees on a subway train when she brushes off his feelings.  - Conspiracy Theory (film)
  • Sam befriends a violent poltergeist haunting the subway system and learns how to manipulate objects with his mind.  - Ghost (1990 film)
  • He "makes" Popeye and escapes, waving tauntingly on the departing subway shuttle from Grand Central Terminal.  - The French Connection (film)
  • Payne hijacks a subway train, handcuffs Annie to a pole, and sets the train in motion while Jack pursues them.  - Speed (1994 film)
  • Following Rose's arrest, Creedy assumes emergency leadership of the country, and Finch emerges from the subway proclaiming V's death.  - V for Vendetta
  • She is wealthy and missing her legs below the knees after being pushed in front of a subway train.  - The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three
  • Disgusted and disillusioned by his friends, his family, and his life, Tony spends the rest of the night riding the subway into Manhattan.  - Saturday Night Fever
  • His father was an illiterate Italian immigrant shoe-shiner, who worked in a subway station.  - Midnight Cowboy
  • Undeterred, Montag makes a subway trip to Faber's home along with a rare copy of the Bible, the book he stole at the woman's house.  - Fahrenheit 451

Meaning of "subway" in English

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Meaning of "subway" in Hindi

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