How to use "succumb" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "succumb" in popular movie and book plots

  • They are ultimately blinded just like Emily, succumb to the darkness, and disappear.  - The Beyond (film)
  • Lady Cicely is powerfully drawn to Brassbound, and fears that she may succumb to his charisma.  - Captain Brassbound's Conversion
  • As they talk, he begins to succumb to his desires and invites Robin to sit on his lap.  - The Woodsman (2004 film)
  • They expect him to succumb to the desert heat or to shoot himself with the gun.  - Inferno (1953 film)
  • Furious, he begins to succumb to his dark power.  - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
  • Frustrated with his feebleness, nagging, and constant demands of hot chocolate, Barbara allows him to succumb to his injuries.  - Uncle Simon
  • The survivors succumb to panic, to madness; deeply buried secrets burst to the surface, and Christmas turns into a living hell.  - Dead End (2003 film)
  • Investigating the store, the Doctor and Jamie succumb to a booby trap that gasses them, and are dragged into the time machine by Waterfield.  - The Evil of the Daleks
  • During this, Jek rescues Peri as she starts to succumb to the spectrox poisoning.  - The Caves of Androzani
  • MacDonald, whose ancestors had been slaves, begs Caesar not to succumb to brutality and show mercy to one's former masters.  - Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
  • As he begins to succumb to the plague himself, he injects himself with an experimental vaccine, rendering himself immune.  - The Omega Man
  • The seven dwarfs succumb to his entreaties to let him have Snow White.  - Snow White
  • Only then do they realize the figure is the Red Death itself, and all of the guests contract and succumb to the disease.  - The Masque of the Red Death
  • The dictator later uses ice-nine to commit suicide rather than succumb to his inoperable cancer.  - Cat's Cradle
  • Embarrassed, they break off, but eventually succumb and strike up a relationship.  - The African Queen (film)
  • A suspicious Frank switches his cup with hers, and Rynn watches on as he begins to succumb to the poison.  - The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane

Meaning of "succumb" in English

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Meaning of "succumb" in Hindi

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