How to use "suffocate" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suffocate" in popular movie and book plots

  • Scully flashes back to when as a child, she hid her pet rabbit from her brother in a lunchbox, only for it to suffocate and die.  - Christmas Carol (The X-Files)
  • Raclaw goes on to suffocate it with the very chains that kept it secured to a wall.  - Damnation Crusade
  • Schultze's gas is designed not only to suffocate its victims but at the same time also freeze them.  - The Begum's Fortune
  • As in fables, will love conquer all or will the harsh realities of life suffocate the young lovers into submission.  - Larki Punjaban
  • "See, now they won't suffocate to death", he says.  - Valley of the Wolves: Iraq
  • When it failed, Fa Hoi tries to suffocate the two with his surplice but again, the two snakes were able to overcome it.  - Green Snake
  • Immediately after birth, one of the doctors attempts to suffocate the child.  - It's Alive (1974 film)
  • The rest of her party finds her in time before she can suffocate in the toxic air.  - Summit (The Outer Limits)
  • Bolt arrives and reunites with Penny inside the burning studio, but are unable to escape before Penny begins to suffocate from the smoke.  - Bolt (2008 film)
  • in an underground access tunnel either to suffocate from the gas to be used to asphyxiate theHUDs, or to leave him to become their prey.  - C.H.U.D.
  • The Anaconda appears and coils around Terri and Danny and begins to suffocate them.  - Anaconda (film)
  • Activating the emergency oxygen supply, he discovers the tanks almost empty, and starts to suffocate from lack of air.  - Planet of the Daleks
  • Khan throws Kirk into a decompression tank, and threatens to slowly suffocate him unless Kirk's command crew agree to follow Khan.  - Space Seed
  • Scorpio then demands $200,000 ($ million today) for a teenage girl he has kidnapped, threatening to let her suffocate otherwise.  - Dirty Harry
  • He wakes up to see Rice (Vincent Price, from The Bribe) trying to suffocate him.  - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
  • He then heads toward shore, intending to lure the shark to shallower waters and suffocate it, but the overtaxed engine quits.  - Jaws (film)

Meaning of "suffocate" in English

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Meaning of "suffocate" in Hindi

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