How to use "suggestion" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suggestion" in popular movie and book plots

  • The group decides to go to the Congacabana at the suggestion of Claire, but on their way out, they run into Pitkin.  - On the Town (musical)
  • dr Bessner balks at the suggestion that one of his instruments was used to commit the murder.  - Death on the Nile
  • This suggestion comes from Estrel, a young woman whom Falk meets after being captured by the Basnasska tribe in the great plains.  - City of Illusions
  • dr Malone returns at night to follow Lyra's suggestion to communicate with the dark matter using a machine of her invention.  - The Subtle Knife
  • On the suggestion of his friend Sayre, he takes a Japanese wife and house for the duration of his stay there.  - Madame Butterfly (short story)
  • As they talk, Sandro takes offense at Claudia's suggestion that Anna's disappearance is somehow due to his neglect.  - L'Avventura
  • Lyman counters with the suggestion that a military coup could result in a preemptive strike by Moscow.  - Seven Days in May
  • She rejects the suggestion they were lovers.  - The Murder on the Links
  • The film offers little hope, only a suggestion that in this world merely understanding that we're unhappy or dissatisfied is a revelation.  - Faces (film)
  • Unknowingly guided by a psychic suggestion from Carl, Rico takes Ace and Sugar Watkins into the tunnels to rescue both.  - Starship Troopers (film)
  • The novel ends with no suggestion that she will ever have the "brilliant career" as a writer that she desires.  - My Brilliant Career
  • Keyes's suggestion to warn the Earl of Peterborough was, however, derided.  - Robert Catesby
  • Acting on the suggestion of "Ted", Ellie works on a program to compute the digits of π to heretofore-unprecedented lengths.  - Contact (novel)
  • When he sees it, he will blindly obey the next suggestion or order given to him and never have any memories of those actions.  - The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)
  • Rynn, seemingly defeated and resigned to Frank's demands, agrees to his suggestion that they have a cup of tea.  - The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
  • Refusing Edie's suggestion that they move away from the waterfront together, Terry shows up during recruitment at the docks.  - On the Waterfront

Meaning of "suggestion" in English

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Meaning of "suggestion" in Hindi

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