How to use "suicide" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suicide" in popular movie and book plots

  • Grey later committed suicide when Blanche told him she was disgusted with him.  - A Streetcar Named Desire
  • They resolve tomorrow to bring a more suitable piece of rope and, if Godot fails to arrive, to commit suicide at last.  - Waiting for Godot
  • Meanwhile, Cassiel inadvertently taps into the mind of a young man just about to commit suicide by jumping off a building.  - Wings of Desire
  • She eventually volunteers herself to become a suicide bomber in an assassination mission.  - The Terrorist (1997 film)
  • In 1954, Brooks is paroled, but cannot adjust to the outside world after fifty years in prison, and commits suicide by hanging himself.  - The Shawshank Redemption
  • Some rant, others seek sympathy, still others commit suicide while on the phone.  - The Shockwave Rider
  • The soldiers shake hands and bid farewell, and the Pianist commits suicide due to her grief.  - Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
  • Canto 2 is about his family and the apparent suicide of his daughter, Hazel Shade.  - Pale Fire
  • Joe attempts suicide by suffocation, but finds that he had been given a tracheotomy that he can neither remove nor control.  - Johnny Got His Gun
  • regains his composure and urges Veronica to forge a suicide note in Heather's handwriting.  - Heathers
  • A suicide note explains the reasons behind the suicide.  - Glen or Glenda
  • There is an attempt to drive a vulnerable student to suicide and a physical assault on Harriet that almost kills her.  - Gaudy Night
  • This culminates in Clark's suicide and the restoration of democratic government in the Earth Alliance.  - Babylon 5
  • Plunging even deeper into grief, Lady Lyndon later attempts suicide (though she ingests only enough poison to make herself ill).  - Barry Lyndon
  • Cottard, a criminal remorseful enough to attempt suicide but fearful of being arrested, becomes wealthy as a major smuggler.  - The Plague
  • He attempts suicide by leaping from the window.  - A Clockwork Orange (novel)

Meaning of "suicide" in English

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Meaning of "suicide" in Hindi

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