How to use "suitable" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "suitable" in popular movie and book plots

  • Due to his own body's deterioration, Thanatos is in need of a suitable body to possess.  - Secret of Mana
  • Rosencrantz also assaults Ashley to prove that he is not a suitable candidate for the powers of Darkness.  - Vagrant Story
  • Unmanned probes locate a suitable location, and the ship "Pioneer 1" is sent to investigate.  - Phantasy Star Online
  • Flagg's group launches a weapons program, searching what remains of the United States for suitable arms.  - The Stand
  • Consciously or unconsciously, Keane sees Latour as a suitable scapegoat on whom he can pin the crime of murder, but this strategy backfires.  - The Paradine Case
  • Molly is aware that, as the daughter of a professional man, she would not be considered a suitable match for the sons of Squire Hamley.  - Wives and Daughters
  • The Nameless Monk chases after Kar, whom he suspects may be a suitable successor, as cranes were visible far above their fight.  - Bulletproof Monk
  • They decide to return her to Sam, Randy will tell the judge that Sam is a suitable and better parent for Lucy.  - I Am Sam
  • As the two-headed Martian scientist leaves, it meets two Venusians searching for a suitable Earthling for their own experiment.  - Mr. Dingle, the Strong
  • Mario constantly asks Neruda if particular metaphors that he uses are suitable for his poems.  - Il Postino: The Postman
  • Ubermann wants to use Jones as a test subject, but Kerner steps onto the platform first, claiming himself to be most suitable for godhood.  - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • D'Artelines has been unable to find Jeanette a new husband of suitable age and rank.  - Love Me Tonight
  • On the weekends, he hitchhikes to Buxton, searching for suitable hay fields from Andy's "directions".  - Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
  • They resolve tomorrow to bring a more suitable piece of rope and, if Godot fails to arrive, to commit suicide at last.  - Waiting for Godot
  • They were faster than pen plotters and were available in large formats, suitable for reproducing engineering drawings.  - Plotter
  • Due to set sail that night, Denham searches the streets of New York for a suitable woman.  - King Kong (1933 film)

Meaning of "suitable" in English

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Meaning of "suitable" in Hindi

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