How to use "summarily" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "summarily" in popular movie and book plots

  • They are then taken to the prison, locked up and summarily sentenced to be shot at dawn.  - The Flying Deuces
  • While in Jaffa, al-Qawuqji's men search for and discover the family's women, whom they summarily gang-rape.  - The Haj
  • One outsider searching for the infamous Bluthgeld was exposed by Bonny Keller and summarily executed for his troubles.  - Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb
  • Feric summarily executes him with the Great Truncheon.  - The Iron Dream
  • The heart is summarily transported by U-Boat to be passed off to their Japanese allies via the Atlantic.  - Frankenstein Conquers the World
  • Rivers, Strong, the producer, and the crew are summarily shot to death by the Rivers clone.  - A Special Edition
  • Since the act is widely considered to be criminal by the Vulcan authorities, Soval is summarily dismissed from the Ambassadorial service.  - Awakening (Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • Therefore, he uses his influence to convince the court to summarily find Leto innocent before any testimony is heard.  - Dune: House Atreides
  • Stauffenberg and three others were summarily shot that night.  - Schwarze Kapelle
  • The CIA summarily dismisses Clayton and he despondently checks into a hotel.  - The Recruit
  • The general uses this device on himself, and is summarily defeated by Nick.  - Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
  • The attempt at a system overload during routine maintenance fails, and the responsible scientists are summarily executed.  - Colossus: The Forbin Project
  • All Jews and mixed-race individuals are summarily executed.  - The Turner Diaries
  • With the crisis averted, those who had been closest to the king are summarily dismissed from service, including dr Willis.  - The Madness of King George
  • After Spence is exposed as a fraud by Sam and summarily dismissed, the others depart for Nice.  - Ronin (film)
  • This is summarily rejected by Bletch, who physically throws Sebastian out of his office who curses Bletch for his inaction.  - Meet the Feebles

Meaning of "summarily" in English

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Meaning of "summarily" in Hindi

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