How to use "summarize" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "summarize" in popular movie and book plots

  • Zizibar, Cocodilla, Zoloe and Djelma summarize the turn of events ("Ha.  - The Monks of Malabar
  • The Prologue and Book One introduce the main characters, summarize the histories of the Bennet and Darcy families, and introduce a murder.  - Death Comes to Pemberley
  • Moo contains over a dozen overlapping plot lines and multiple protagonists and is therefore very difficult to summarize traditionally.  - Moo (novel)
  • At Monk's, Elaine gets Kramer to summarize the manuscript, which he does in a typically eccentric fashion, leaving Elaine to despair.  - The Doodle
  • However, George's plans are for her to read and summarize his book on risk management so he can present it to the board.  - The Fatigues
  • It is truly difficult to summarize the plot as most readers will understand the parts of story in different ways.  - Only Revolutions
  • Two women – Micca and a myrtle vendor – summarize their grievances against him.  - Thesmophoriazusae

Meaning of "summarize" in English

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Meaning of "summarize" in Hindi

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