How to use "summary" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "summary" in popular movie and book plots

  • Many reviewers and writers smirked at Konami's plot summary and story details.  - Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
  • The following plot summary is based on the 1993 version by Televisa, and is described using in-universe tone.  - Corazón salvaje (novel)
  • This plot summary is based on the translation of Hardy and Martin.  - Havelok the Dane
  • Chapters 7, 8 and 9 cover theories of reason and logic, closing with the last two chapters as a summary and transition into Part 2.  - Notes from Underground
  • He cites the traditions of frontier justice and summary executions, and expresses disappointment for Callahan's refusal to join his squad.  - Magnum Force
  • After a summary trial, Morden is executed by a firing squad.  - The Moon Is Down
  • This is a linear summary of the plot.  - Batman Begins
  • MacDonald begins her book with a summary description of her childhood and family.  - The Egg and I
  • After a summary trial he is found guilty of heresy by the family's leader, Jonathan Matthias, a former news anchorman.  - The Omega Man
  • This plot summary is based on a text published ca.  - Jack the Giant Killer
  • This edition also contains a summary of the differences between various versions of the novel.  - Maurice (novel)
  • The following is a summary of some of the events in the book that could be considered the most relevant.  - Naked Lunch
  • "For a plot summary of the game the comic parodies, see Final Fantasy (video game)#Plot.  - 8-Bit Theater
  • This summary features the real-world names Cleon, Nicias and Demosthenes (though these names are never mentioned in the play).  - The Knights
  • Ishmael finishes with a summary of what his student can do if he earnestly desires to save the world: The story of Genesis must be undone.  - Ishmael (novel)
  • The summary below deals with the longest version, the 1891 novel.  - The Picture of Dorian Gray

Meaning of "summary" in English

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Meaning of "summary" in Hindi

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