How to use "summation" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "summation" in popular movie and book plots

  • In one scene, Adams is shown having his wife proofread his summation as he takes her suggestions.  - John Adams (miniseries)
  • He then opens a chest they had brought with them, puts on a mystical robe and says that they are to prepare for the summation at midnight.  - Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
  • ‘All the angels left this burg about 20 years ago,’ is his succinct summation of the 1930s.  - City of Angels (1976 TV series)
  • After Kathryn's closing statement and a single summation from the three defense lawyers, the jury deliberates for a long time.  - The Accused (1988 film)

Meaning of "summation" in English

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Meaning of "summation" in Hindi

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