How to use "sumptuous" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

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Example sentences for "sumptuous" in popular movie and book plots

  • On her first day in his sumptuous apartment/office, he attempts to seduce Helen, which causes Helen to quit the job.  - True Confession
  • Everyone lives in sumptuous palaces, and nobody goes hungry; in reality, the society is run by slave labor.  - The Myst Reader
  • After a sumptuous Christmas feast, the family was ready to sleep.  - Shake, Rattle and Roll 9
  • Victor is a young man of good breeding, who keeps his dead parents in the bedroom of their sumptuous family cottage.  - Victor (1993 film)
  • They face off across the table at the sumptuous Banquet At The End of Time.  - The Sons of Heaven
  • However he and his friends pretend to eat a sumptuous meal inside the kitchen.  - Varumayin Niram Sivappu
  • On the night of a sumptuous dinner party, Flavia tries to be a good guest by ordering Nubia to play her flute.  - The Pirates of Pompeii
  • Superintendent Fong thwarts the effort with tricks of her own, including releasing a sumptuous packed lunch to the numerous squads on duty.  - Breaking News (2004 film)
  • Ned makes his way to Bradshaw's sumptuous country estate and politely warns him to desist from has war-profiteering activities.  - The Secret Pilgrim
  • Nastenka and Ivan have a sumptuous wedding, and live happily ever after.  - Jack Frost (1964 film)
  • Jaufre, in the meantime, passes a cowherd from Monbrun, who has laid out a table with an array of sumptuous food.  - Jaufre
  • Ultimately, Dirk is left alone in his sumptuous apartment, saddened by his abandonment of artistic values.  - So Big (novel)
  • They eventually make their way to a huge castle, where they help themselves to a sumptuous feast.  - Fun and Fancy Free
  • The ingredients are plentiful, sumptuous and exotic, and their arrival causes much discussion among the villagers.  - Babette's Feast
  • In order to win favors through Britain's ambassadors, Mongkut orders a sumptuous reception and appoints Anna to organize it.  - Anna and the King
  • The man, calling himself Diktor, treats Bob to a sumptuous breakfast served by beautiful women.  - By His Bootstraps

Meaning of "sumptuous" in English

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Meaning of "sumptuous" in Hindi

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