How to use "sun" in sentences with meaning in English and Hindi

by BuildMyVocab

Example sentences for "sun" in popular movie and book plots

  • The story ends as the sun rises over the Macross Fortress, with Myung waving to Isamu, who has survived the destruction of Sharon's computer.  - Macross Plus
  • As the villagers celebrate Erik's return and Halfdan's defeat, the sun rises, ending the age of Ragnarök.  - Erik the Viking
  • Perceval returns to see Arthur lying on a ship, attended by three ladies clad in white, sailing into the sun toward the Isle of Avalon.  - Excalibur (film)
  • The rain has stopped and the clouds have opened revealing the sun in contrast to the beginning where it was overcast.  - Rashomon
  • During this time, the sun makes the snow melt and gives colour to the botanical species.  - Der Schneemann
  • ) As he leaves this valley the sun rises on a new day.  - The Pilgrim's Progress
  • His torso and head protrude from the rock, and he awaits the sun that will never rise.  - Jack of Shadows
  • The typical dwelling is an egg-shaped house, outside of which is a realistic simulation of an open environment with sky, sun and moon.  - Riders of the Purple Wage
  • An old man who witnessed the event claimed "the sun came out at night, and sang to him".  - Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  • The sun is bright outside, and as he looks out the window, he discovers that the train is in a town called Willoughby and that it's July 1888.  - A Stop at Willoughby
  • They are sundowners, constantly moving, pitching their tent whenever the sun goes down.  - The Sundowners
  • When the sun sets, everyone wanders off.  - Picnic (1955 film)
  • Phrixus settled in the house of Aeetes, son of Helios the sun god.  - Golden Fleece
  • He watches as the sun is lifted above the horizon by a tower of stacked creatures.  - Porky in Wackyland
  • The escapees travel on foot in blazing sun and pass out.  - Spaceballs
  • Covered in blood, Ash stumbles outside as the sun begins to rise.  - The Evil Dead

Meaning of "sun" in English

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Meaning of "sun" in Hindi

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